
You can either use the RedisProtocol class directly, use the Connection class, or use the Pool wrapper which also offers connection pooling.

The Protocol

class trollius_redis.RedisProtocol(password=None, db=0, encoder=None, connection_lost_callback=None, enable_typechecking=True, loop=None)

The Redis Protocol implementation.

self.loop = trollius.get_event_loop()
transport, protocol = yield From(loop.create_connection(
    RedisProtocol, 'localhost', 6379))
  • password (Native Python type as defined by the encoder parameter) – Redis database password
  • encoder (BaseEncoder instance.) – Encoder to use for encoding to or decoding from redis bytes to a native type. (Defaults to UTF8Encoder)
  • db (int) – Redis database
  • enable_typechecking (bool) – When True, check argument types for all redis commands. Normally you want to have this enabled.
append(self, key, value)

Append a value to a key

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

auth(self, password)

Authenticate to the server

Parameters:password – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply

Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply

Asynchronously save the dataset to disk

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
bitcount(self, key, start=0, end=-1)

Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string.

  • end – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

bitop_and(self, destkey, srckeys)

Perform a bitwise AND operation between multiple keys.

  • destkey – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • srckeys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

bitop_not(self, destkey, key)

Perform a bitwise NOT operation between multiple keys.

  • destkey – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

bitop_or(self, destkey, srckeys)

Perform a bitwise OR operation between multiple keys.

  • destkey – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • srckeys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

bitop_xor(self, destkey, srckeys)

Perform a bitwise XOR operation between multiple keys.

  • destkey – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • srckeys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

blpop(self, keys, timeout=0)
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is
available. This will raise TimeoutError when the timeout was exceeded and Redis returns None.
  • timeout – int
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) BlockingPopReply

brpop(self, keys, timeout=0)
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is
available. This will raise TimeoutError when the timeout was exceeded and Redis returns None.
  • timeout – int
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) BlockingPopReply

brpoplpush(self, source, destination, timeout=0)
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it;
or block until one is available
  • source – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • timeout – int

(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type


Get the current connection name

Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type
client_kill(self, address)
Kill the connection of a client address should be an “ip:port” string.
Parameters:address – str
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply

Get the list of client connections

Returns:(Future of) InfoReply
client_setname(self, name)

Set the current connection name

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
config_get(self, parameter)

Get the value of a configuration parameter

Parameters:parameter – str
Returns:(Future of) ConfigPairReply

Reset the stats returned by INFO

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply

Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
config_set(self, parameter, value)

Set a configuration parameter to the given value

  • value – str
  • parameter – str

(Future of) StatusReply


Return the number of keys in the currently-selected database.

Returns:(Future of) int
decr(self, key)

Decrement the integer value of a key by one

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
decrby(self, key, increment)

Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • increment – int

(Future of) int

delete(self, keys)

Delete a key

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
echo(self, string)

Echo the given string

Parameters:string – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type
evalsha(self, sha, keys=None, args=None)

Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest. Scripts are cached on the server side using the SCRIPT LOAD command.

The return type/value depends on the script.

This will raise a ScriptKilledError exception if the script was killed.

  • args – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
  • sha – str

(Future of) EvalScriptReply

exists(self, key)

Determine if a key exists

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) bool
expire(self, key, seconds)

Set a key’s time to live in seconds

  • seconds – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

expireat(self, key, timestamp)

Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp

  • timestamp – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int


Remove all keys from all databases

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB. This
command never fails.
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
get(self, key)

Get the value of a key

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
getbit(self, key, offset)

Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key

  • offset – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) bool

getset(self, key, value)

Set the string value of a key and return its old value

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None

hdel(self, key, fields)

Delete one or more hash fields

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • fields – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

hexists(self, key, field)

Returns if field is an existing field in the hash stored at key.

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • field – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) bool

hget(self, key, field)

Get the value of a hash field

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • field – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None

hgetall(self, key)

Get the value of a hash field

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) DictReply
hgetall_asdict(self, key)

Get the value of a hash field

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) dict
hincrby(self, key, field, increment)
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number
Returns: the value at field after the increment operation.
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • field – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

hincrbyfloat(self, key, field, increment)
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount
Returns: the value at field after the increment operation.
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • field – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • increment – int or float

(Future of) float

hkeys(self, key)

Get all the keys in a hash. (Returns a set)

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) SetReply
hkeys_asset(self, key)

Get all the keys in a hash. (Returns a set)

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) set
hlen(self, key)

Returns the number of fields contained in the hash stored at key.

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
hmget(self, key, fields)

Get the values of all the given hash fields

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • fields – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) ListReply

hmget_aslist(self, key, fields)

Get the values of all the given hash fields

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • fields – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) list

hmset(self, key, values)

Set multiple hash fields to multiple values

  • values – dict
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) StatusReply

hscan(self, key, match='*')
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values Also see: scan()
  • match – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) DictCursor

hset(self, key, field, value)

Set the string value of a hash field

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • field – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

hsetnx(self, key, field, value)

Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • field – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

hvals(self, key)

Get all the values in a hash. (Returns a list)

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) ListReply
hvals_aslist(self, key)

Get all the values in a hash. (Returns a list)

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) list

True when waiting for answer to blocking command.


True when the protocol is in pubsub mode.


True when we’re inside a transaction.


True when this protocol is in use.

incr(self, key)

Increment the integer value of a key by one

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
incrby(self, key, increment)

Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • increment – int

(Future of) int

info(self, section=None)

Get information and statistics about the server

Parameters:section – Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
Returns:(Future of) InfoReply

True when the underlying transport is connected.

keys(self, pattern)

Find all keys matching the given pattern.


Also take a look at


Parameters:pattern – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) ListReply
keys_aslist(self, pattern)

Find all keys matching the given pattern.


Also take a look at


Parameters:pattern – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) list

Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk

Returns:(Future of) int
lindex(self, key, index)

Get an element from a list by its index

  • index – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None

linsert(self, key, pivot, value, before=False)

Insert an element before or after another element in a list

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • pivot – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

llen(self, key)

Returns the length of the list stored at key.

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
lpop(self, key)

Remove and get the first element in a list

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
lpush(self, key, values)

Prepend one or multiple values to a list

  • values – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

lpushx(self, key, value)

Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

lrange(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Get a range of elements from a list.

  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) ListReply

lrange_aslist(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Get a range of elements from a list.

  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) list

lrem(self, key, count=0, value='')

Remove elements from a list

  • count – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

lset(self, key, index, value)

Set the value of an element in a list by its index.

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • index – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) StatusReply

ltrim(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Trim a list to the specified range

  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) StatusReply

mget(self, keys)

Returns the values of all specified keys.

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) ListReply
mget_aslist(self, keys)

Returns the values of all specified keys.

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) list
move(self, key, database)

Move a key to another database

  • database – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

multi(self, watch=None)

Start of transaction.

transaction = yield From(protocol.multi())

# Run commands in transaction
f1 = yield From(transaction.set(u'key', u'value'))
f2 = yield From(transaction.set(u'another_key', u'another_value'))

# Commit transaction
yield From(transaction.execute())

# Retrieve results (you can also use asyncio.tasks.gather)
result1 = yield From(f1)
result2 = yield From(f2)
returns:A trollius_redis.Transaction instance.
Parameters:watch – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
Returns:(Future of) trollius_redis.Transaction
persist(self, key)

Remove the expiration from a key

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
pexpire(self, key, milliseconds)

Set a key’s time to live in milliseconds

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • milliseconds – int

(Future of) int

pexpireat(self, key, milliseconds_timestamp)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in
  • milliseconds_timestamp – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int


Ping the server (Returns PONG)

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
pttl(self, key)

Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
publish(self, channel, message)
Post a message to a channel
(Returns the number of clients that received this message.)
  • channel – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • message – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

pubsub_channels(self, pattern=None)
Lists the currently active channels. An active channel is a Pub/Sub channel with one ore more subscribers (not including clients subscribed to patterns).
Parameters:pattern – Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
Returns:(Future of) ListReply
pubsub_channels_aslist(self, pattern=None)
Lists the currently active channels. An active channel is a Pub/Sub channel with one ore more subscribers (not including clients subscribed to patterns).
Parameters:pattern – Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
Returns:(Future of) list
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that are performed
using the PSUBSCRIBE command). Note that this is not just the count of clients subscribed to patterns but the total number of patterns all the clients are subscribed to.
Returns:(Future of) int
pubsub_numsub(self, channels)
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed
to patterns) for the specified channels.
Parameters:channels – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) DictReply
pubsub_numsub_asdict(self, channels)
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed
to patterns) for the specified channels.
Parameters:channels – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) dict

Return a random key from the keyspace

Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type
register_script(self, script)

Register a LUA script.

script = yield From(protocol.register_script(lua_code))
result = yield From([...], args=[...]))
Parameters:script – str
Returns:(Future of) Script
rename(self, key, newkey)

Rename a key

  • newkey – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) StatusReply

renamenx(self, key, newkey)
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist
(Returns 1 if the key was successfully renamed.)
  • newkey – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

rpop(self, key)

Remove and get the last element in a list

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None
rpoplpush(self, source, destination)
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and
return it
  • source – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type or None

rpush(self, key, values)

Append one or multiple values to a list

  • values – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

rpushx(self, key, value)

Append a value to a list, only if the list exists

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

sadd(self, key, members)

Add one or more members to a set

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • members – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int


Synchronously save the dataset to disk

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
scan(self, match='*')

Walk through the keys space. You can either fetch the items one by one or in bulk.

cursor = yield From(protocol.scan(match=u'*'))
while True:
    item = yield From(cursor.fetchone())
    if item is None:
cursor = yield From(protocol.scan(match=u'*'))
items = yield From(cursor.fetchall())

Also see: sscan(), hscan() and zscan()

Redis reference:

Parameters:match – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) Cursor
scard(self, key)

Get the number of members in a set

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
script_exists(self, shas)

Check existence of scripts in the script cache.

Parameters:shas – List or iterable of str
Returns:(Future of) List or iterable of bool

Remove all the scripts from the script cache.

Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
Kill the script currently in execution. This raises NoRunningScriptError when there are no scripts running.
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
script_load(self, script)

Load script, returns sha1

Parameters:script – str
Returns:(Future of) str
sdiff(self, keys)

Subtract multiple sets

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) SetReply
sdiff_asset(self, keys)

Subtract multiple sets

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) set
sdiffstore(self, destination, keys)

Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key

  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

select(self, db)

Change the selected database for the current connection

Parameters:db – int
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
set(self, key, value, expire=None, pexpire=None, only_if_not_exists=False, only_if_exists=False)

Set the string value of a key

yield From(protocol.set(u'key', u'value'))
result = yield From(protocol.get(u'key'))
assert result == 'value'

To set a value and its expiration, only if key not exists, do:

yield From(protocol.set(
    u'key', u'value', expire=1, only_if_not_exists=True))

This will send: SET key value EX 1 NX at the network. To set value and its expiration in milliseconds, but only if

key already exists:
yield From(protocol.set(
    u'key', u'value', pexpire=1000, only_if_exists=True))
  • only_if_exists – bool
  • pexpire – int or None
  • expire – int or None
  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • only_if_not_exists – bool
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) StatusReply or None

setbit(self, key, offset, value)

Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key

  • value – bool
  • offset – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) bool

setex(self, key, seconds, value)

Set the string value of a key with expire

  • seconds – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) StatusReply

setnx(self, key, value)
Set the string value of a key if it does not exist.
Returns True if value is successfully set
  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) bool

shutdown(self, save=False)
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
sinter(self, keys)

Intersect multiple sets

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) SetReply
sinter_asset(self, keys)

Intersect multiple sets

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) set
sinterstore(self, destination, keys)

Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key

  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

sismember(self, key, value)

Determine if a given value is a member of a set

  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) bool

smembers(self, key)

Get all the members in a set

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) SetReply
smembers_asset(self, key)

Get all the members in a set

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) set
smove(self, source, destination, value)

Move a member from one set to another

  • source – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • value – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

spop(self, key)
Removes and returns a random element
from the set value stored at key.
Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) Native Python type, as defined by native_type
srandmember(self, key, count=1)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
(Returns a list of members, even when count==1)
  • count – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) SetReply

srandmember_asset(self, key, count=1)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
(Returns a list of members, even when count==1)
  • count – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) set

srem(self, key, members)

Remove one or more members from a set

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • members – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

sscan(self, key, match='*')

Incrementally iterate set elements

Also see: scan()

  • match – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) SetCursor

start_subscribe(self, *a)

Start a pubsub listener.

# Create subscription
subscription = yield From(protocol.start_subscribe())
yield From(subscription.subscribe([u'key']))
yield From(subscription.psubscribe([u'pattern*']))

while True:
    result = yield From(subscription.next_published())
Returns:(Future of) trollius_redis.Subscription
strlen(self, key)
Returns the length of the string value stored at key. An error is
returned when key holds a non-string value.
Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
sunion(self, keys)

Add multiple sets

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) SetReply
sunion_asset(self, keys)

Add multiple sets

Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) set
sunionstore(self, destination, keys)

Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key

  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

ttl(self, key)

Get the time to live for a key

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
type(self, key)

Determine the type stored at key

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) StatusReply
watch(self, keys)
Watch keys (pulled in from asyncio-redis
# Watch keys for concurrent updates
yield From([u'key', u'other_key']))

value = yield From(protocol.get(u'key'))
another_value = yield From(protocol.get(u'another_key'))

transaction = yield From(protocol.multi())

f1 = yield From(transaction.set(u'key', another_value))
f2 = yield From(transaction.set(u'another_key', value))

# Commit transaction
yield From(transaction.exec())

# Retrieve results
yield From(f1)
yield From(f2)
Parameters:keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) None
zadd(self, key, values)

Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists

yield protocol.zadd('myzset', { 'key': 4, 'key2': 5 })
  • values – dict
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

zcard(self, key)

Get the number of members in a sorted set

Parameters:key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) int
zcount(self, key, min, max)
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given
  • maxZScoreBoundary
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • minZScoreBoundary

(Future of) int

zincrby(self, key, increment, member)

Increment the score of a member in a sorted set

  • member – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • increment – float

(Future of) float

zinterstore(self, destination, keys, weights=None, aggregate='SUM')
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set
in a new key
  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • weights – None or List or iterable of float
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

zrange(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.

You can do the following to receive the slice of the sorted set as a python dict (mapping the keys to their scores):

result = yield protocol.zrange('myzset', start=10, stop=20)
my_dict = yield result.asdict()

or the following to retrieve it as a list of keys:

result = yield protocol.zrange('myzset', start=10, stop=20)
my_dict = yield result.aslist()
  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) ZRangeReply

zrange_asdict(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.

You can do the following to receive the slice of the sorted set as a python dict (mapping the keys to their scores):

result = yield protocol.zrange('myzset', start=10, stop=20)
my_dict = yield result.asdict()

or the following to retrieve it as a list of keys:

result = yield protocol.zrange('myzset', start=10, stop=20)
my_dict = yield result.aslist()
  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) dict

zrangebyscore(self, key, min=ZScoreBoundary(value='-inf', exclude_boundary=False), max=ZScoreBoundary(value='+inf', exclude_boundary=False))

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score

  • maxZScoreBoundary
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • minZScoreBoundary

(Future of) ZRangeReply

zrangebyscore_asdict(self, key, min=ZScoreBoundary(value='-inf', exclude_boundary=False), max=ZScoreBoundary(value='+inf', exclude_boundary=False))

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score

  • maxZScoreBoundary
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • minZScoreBoundary

(Future of) dict

zrank(self, key, member)

Determine the index of a member in a sorted set

  • member – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int or None

zrem(self, key, members)

Remove one or more members from a sorted set

  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • members – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

zremrangebyrank(self, key, min=0, max=-1)

Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes

  • max – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • min – int

(Future of) int

zremrangebyscore(self, key, min=ZScoreBoundary(value='-inf', exclude_boundary=False), max=ZScoreBoundary(value='+inf', exclude_boundary=False))

Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores

  • maxZScoreBoundary
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • minZScoreBoundary

(Future of) int

zrevrange(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Return a range of members in a reversed sorted set, by index.

You can do the following to receive the slice of the sorted set as a python dict (mapping the keys to their scores):

my_dict = yield protocol.zrevrange_asdict(
    'myzset', start=10, stop=20)

or the following to retrieve it as a list of keys:

zrange_reply = yield protocol.zrevrange(
    'myzset', start=10, stop=20)
my_dict = yield zrange_reply.aslist()
  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) ZRangeReply

zrevrange_asdict(self, key, start=0, stop=-1)

Return a range of members in a reversed sorted set, by index.

You can do the following to receive the slice of the sorted set as a python dict (mapping the keys to their scores):

my_dict = yield protocol.zrevrange_asdict(
    'myzset', start=10, stop=20)

or the following to retrieve it as a list of keys:

zrange_reply = yield protocol.zrevrange(
    'myzset', start=10, stop=20)
my_dict = yield zrange_reply.aslist()
  • stop – int
  • start – int
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) dict

zrevrangebyscore(self, key, max=ZScoreBoundary(value='+inf', exclude_boundary=False), min=ZScoreBoundary(value='-inf', exclude_boundary=False))
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores
ordered from high to low
  • minZScoreBoundary
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • maxZScoreBoundary

(Future of) ZRangeReply

zrevrangebyscore_asdict(self, key, max=ZScoreBoundary(value='+inf', exclude_boundary=False), min=ZScoreBoundary(value='-inf', exclude_boundary=False))
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores
ordered from high to low
  • minZScoreBoundary
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • maxZScoreBoundary

(Future of) dict

zrevrank(self, key, member)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores
ordered from high to low
  • member – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int or None

zscan(self, key, match='*')
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores Also see: scan()
  • match – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) DictCursor

zscore(self, key, member)

Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set

  • member – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • key – Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) float or None

zunionstore(self, destination, keys, weights=None, aggregate='SUM')
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a
new key
  • destination – Native Python type, as defined by native_type
  • weights – None or List or iterable of float
  • keys – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type

(Future of) int

class trollius_redis.HiRedisProtocol(password=None, db=0, encoder=None, connection_lost_callback=None, enable_typechecking=True, loop=None)

Protocol implementation that uses the hiredis library for parsing the incoming data. This will be faster in many cases, but not necessarily always.

It does not (yet) support streaming of multibulk replies, which means that you won’t see the first item of a multi bulk reply, before the whole response has been parsed.


class trollius_redis.encoders.BaseEncoder

Abstract base class for all encoders.


Decodes network bytes to a Python native type. It should always be the reverse operation of encode_from_native.


Encodes the native Python type to network bytes. Usually this will encode a string object to bytes using the UTF-8 encoding. You can either override this function, or set the encoding attribute.

native_type = None
class trollius_redis.encoders.UTF8Encoder

Encode strings to and from utf-8 bytes.

class trollius_redis.encoders.BytesEncoder

For raw access to the Redis database.


alias of bytes


class trollius_redis.Connection

Wrapper around the protocol and transport which takes care of establishing the connection and reconnecting it.

connection = yield From(Connection.create(host='localhost', port=6379))
result = yield From(connection.set('key', 'value'))

Close the connection transport.

classmethod create(host='localhost', port=6379, password=None, db=0, encoder=None, auto_reconnect=True, loop=None, enable_typechecking=True, protocol_class=<class 'trollius_redis.protocol.RedisProtocol'>, **unused_args)
  • host (str) – Address, either host or unix domain socket path
  • port (int) – TCP port. If port is 0 then host assumed to be unix socket path
  • password (bytes) – Redis database password
  • db (int) – Redis database
  • encoder (BaseEncoder instance.) – Encoder to use for encoding to or decoding from redis bytes to a native type.
  • auto_reconnect (bool) – Enable auto reconnect
  • loop – (optional) asyncio event loop.
  • protocol_class (RedisProtocol) – (optional) redis protocol implementation
static from_uri(uri, **additional_args)

Convert a redis:// or unix:// URI as supported in the redis-py driver.

  • uri (str) – Address, either host or unix domain socket path
  • encoder (BaseEncoder instance.) – Encoder to use for encoding to or decoding from redis bytes to a native type.
  • auto_reconnect (bool) – Enable auto reconnect
  • loop – (optional) asyncio event loop.
  • protocol_class (RedisProtocol) – (optional) redis protocol implementation

The transport instance that the protocol is currently using.

Connection pool

class trollius_redis.Pool

Pool of connections. Each Takes care of setting up the connection and connection pooling.

When poolsize > 1 and some connections are in use because of transactions or blocking requests, the other are preferred.

pool = yield From(
    Pool.create(host='localhost', port=6379, poolsize=10))
result = yield From(connection.set('key', 'value'))

Close all the connections in the pool.


The amount of open TCP connections.


Return how many protocols are in use.

classmethod create(host='localhost', port=6379, password=None, db=0, encoder=None, poolsize=1, auto_reconnect=True, loop=None, protocol_class=<class 'trollius_redis.protocol.RedisProtocol'>)

Create a new connection pool instance.

  • host (str) – Address, either host or unix domain socket path
  • port (int) – TCP port. If port is 0 then host assumed to be unix socket path
  • password (bytes) – Redis database password
  • db (int) – Redis database
  • encoder (BaseEncoder instance.) – Encoder to use for encoding to or decoding from redis bytes to a native type.
  • poolsize (int) – The number of parallel connections.
  • auto_reconnect (bool) – Enable auto reconnect
  • loop – (optional) asyncio event loop.
  • protocol_class (RedisProtocol) – (optional) redis protocol implementation

Number of parallel connections in the pool.

register_script(self, script)

Register a LUA script.

script = yield From(protocol.register_script(lua_code))
result = yield From([...], args=[...]))
Parameters:script – str
Returns:(Future of) Script

Command replies

class trollius_redis.replies.StatusReply(status)

Wrapper for Redis status replies. (for messages like OK, QUEUED, etc...)

class trollius_redis.replies.DictReply(multibulk_reply)

Container for a dict reply.

The content can be retrieved by calling asdict() which returns a Python dictionary. Or by iterating over it:

for f in dict_reply:
    key, value = yield from f
    print(key, value)

Return the result as a Python dictionary.

class trollius_redis.replies.ListReply(multibulk_reply)

Redis list result. The content can be retrieved by calling aslist() or by iterating over it or by iterating over it

for f in list_reply:
    item = yield from f

Return the result as a Python list.

class trollius_redis.replies.SetReply(multibulk_reply)

Redis set result. The content can be retrieved by calling asset() or by iterating over it

for f in set_reply:
    item = yield from f

Return the result as a Python set.

class trollius_redis.replies.ZRangeReply(multibulk_reply)

Container for a zrange query result.

class trollius_redis.replies.PubSubReply(channel, value, pattern=None)

Received pubsub message.


Channel name


The pattern to which we subscribed or None otherwise


Received PubSub value

class trollius_redis.replies.BlockingPopReply(list_name, value)

blpop() or brpop() reply


List name.


Popped value

class trollius_redis.replies.InfoReply(data)

info() reply.

class trollius_redis.replies.ClientListReply(data)

client_list() reply.


class trollius_redis.cursors.Cursor(name, scanfunc)

Cursor for walking through the results of a scan query.


Coroutine that reads all the items in one list.


Coroutines that returns the next item. It returns None after the last item.

class trollius_redis.cursors.SetCursor(name, scanfunc)

Cursor for walking through the results of a sscan query.

class trollius_redis.cursors.DictCursor(name, scanfunc)

Cursor for walking through the results of a hscan query.


Coroutine that reads all the items in one dictionary.


Get next { key: value } tuple It returns None after the last item.

class trollius_redis.cursors.ZCursor(name, scanfunc)

Cursor for walking through the results of a zscan query.


class trollius_redis.ZScoreBoundary(value, exclude_boundary=False)

Score boundary for a sorted set. for queries like zrangebyscore and similar

  • value (float) – Value for the boundary.
  • exclude_boundary (bool) – Exclude the boundary.
class trollius_redis.Transaction(protocol)

Transaction context. This is a proxy to a RedisProtocol instance. Every redis command called on this object will run inside the transaction. The transaction can be finished by calling either discard or exec.

More info:


Discard all commands issued after MULTI


Execute transaction.

This can raise a TransactionError when the transaction fails.


Forget about all watched keys

class trollius_redis.Subscription(protocol)

Pubsub subscription


Coroutine which waits for next pubsub message to be received and returns it.

Returns:instance of :class:`PubSubReply



_psubscribe(self, patterns) Listen for messages published to channels matching the given

Parameters:patterns – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) None
_punsubscribe(self, patterns)
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the
given patterns
Parameters:patterns – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) None
_subscribe(self, channels)
Listen for messages published to the given channels
Parameters:channels – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) None
_unsubscribe(self, channels)
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels
Parameters:channels – List or iterable of Native Python type, as defined by native_type
Returns:(Future of) None
class trollius_redis.Script(sha, code, get_evalsha_func)

Lua script.

run(keys=, []args=[])

Returns a coroutine that executes the script.

script_reply = yield From([], args=[]))

# If the LUA script returns something, retrieve the return value
result = yield From(script_reply.return_value())

This will raise a ScriptKilledError exception if the script was killed.

class trollius_redis.ZAggregate

Aggregation method for zinterstore and zunionstore.


class trollius_redis.exceptions.TransactionError

Transaction failed.

class trollius_redis.exceptions.NotConnectedError(message='Not connected')

Protocol is not connected.

class trollius_redis.exceptions.TimeoutError

Timeout during blocking pop.

class trollius_redis.exceptions.ConnectionLostError(exc)

Connection lost during query. (Special case of NotConnectedError.)

class trollius_redis.exceptions.NoAvailableConnectionsInPoolError(message='Not connected')

When the connection pool has no available connections.

class trollius_redis.exceptions.ScriptKilledError

Script was killed during an evalsha call.

class trollius_redis.exceptions.NoRunningScriptError

script_kill was called while no script was running.